There is *only one* distinction between a 'child' and an 'adult' where most people neither recognize nor appreciate.
The distinction being: whether one has authority, and therefore, responsibility - both are conjoined and can never be severed apart (i.e., anyone whom has authority, has responsibility and cannot have one without the other - and vice versa, those whom presumes responsibility presumes authority).
In essence, that distinction is the only distinction. Age is not. A child wants to become an adult, to get to do adult things, but can't *until* they can accept and presume responsibility for the results of their actions.
An adult on the other hand, presumes at some point they've "become" adults without appreciating that with authority comes responsibility and not only become annoyingly irresponsible but also become terrible "authority figures" as 'adults' to children who presume them to be the authority.
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December 26, 2019
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